An SIP calculator is an online tool designed to help investors estimate the returns on their investments made through a Systematic Investment Plan. By entering a few key details like monthly investment amount, expected rate of return, and investment duration, the SIP calculator provides an estimate of how much your investment could grow over time.
A Step-Up Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) allows investors to increase their monthly contributions periodically, typically annually, to match their growing income or financial goals.
Using an SIP calculator is easy and straightforward. Here’s how it typically works:
The SIP calculator uses a formula based on compound interest to calculate your returns. The formula is:
Future Value (FV) = P × [(1 + r)^n - 1] / r × (1 + r)
By plugging in these values, the SIP calculator gives you an estimate of the final corpus that your SIP could generate.
Let’s consider an example:
Using the formula, the SIP calculator will estimate that after 10 years, your ₹5,000 monthly contribution will grow to approximately ₹10,50,000 (this is just an example, and actual returns may vary based on market conditions).